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Shellfish Seed for
Independent Growers

High Survival Rates, High Growth Rates, Customer Satisfaction

For 40+ years A.R.C. has been concentrating on spawning, growing and nurturing the highest-quality shellfish seed for independent farmer/growers. Our much-desired lines of broodstock are mixed with carefully selected wild-caught specimens to produce seed shellfish that can withstand environmental events as it grows to market-size. Three strategically placed nurseries allow the seed to grow to desired size in low densities and healthy environments. No matter where our seed is grown to market-size, they will look inviting and taste delicious!

“Great company that has produced millions upon millions of good shellfish seed which have, in turn, produced many jobs and food scattered throughout the Eastern coastal states.” - Gregg M.

How To Order

We are currently taking orders for 2025, please complete an order form then email completed to, or print and mail to P.O. Box 2028, Dennis, MA 02638.

Order acceptance does not guarantee order fulfillment. To ensure the highest probability of your order being filled, please place orders as early as possible.

Seed orders are filled on a priority system:

  1. Orders for seed of specific sizes are filled when those sizes become available, and in the order of the dates deposits are received (minimum 20%).

  2. Occasionally, A.R.C. will accept seed orders without deposits, but they will be filled only after the orders with deposits.


Payment is due upon delivery of the seed, municipalities exempt.


Minimum order: $500 (per size, per species)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I place an order?
    We are currently taking orders for 2022, please click the link at the top of this page for a form and send completed form to, or print and mail to P.O. Box 2028, Dennis, MA 02638. Order acceptance does not guarantee order fulfillment. To ensure the highest probability of your order being filled, please place orders as early as possible. Seed orders are filled on a priority system: Orders for seed of specific sizes are filled when those sizes become available, and in the order of the dates deposits are received (minimum 20%). Occasionally, A.R.C. will accept seed orders without deposits, but they will be filled only after the orders with deposits. Payment is due upon delivery of the seed, municipalities exempt. Minimum order: $500 (per size, per species) A.R.C. guarantees the viability of seed upon departure from our nursery. However, we accept no responsibility for growth and survival thereafter, and do not extend this guarantee beyond the original purchaser. There will be an additional charge of 15% for orders of Triploid and DBY Oysters to cover royalty fees associated with process licensing issued by the College of William and Mary and its affiliate, the Virginia Institute of Marine Science.
  • What's the right seed size?
    Shellfish farmers have equipment and expertise geared to different sizes of seed from which they want to start growing. A.R.C. seed size is based on the highest mesh screen size on which the seed will sit. For example, R8 seed will sit on (be retained on) an 8mm screen without falling through. Size Conversions 3mm ≈ 1/8" 6.3mm ≈ 1/4" 13mm ≈ 1/2" 19mm = .75” Sieve Sizes “R” stands for Retained On. The number Indicates the approximate size (in millimeters) of the largest screen on which the seed can be retained. So, an R4 seed is “Retained On” a 4mm screen. It will, however, fall through a 6mm screen. To avoid losing some seed through the mesh in your bags, when placing seed in mesh containers always use a mesh size at least one size smaller than the mesh the seed was retained on. Size ranges were developed using quahog seed. Oyster seed will be very close to the ranges indicated. Surf clam seed will generally be larger in length than the ranges indicated.
  • I need technical support? How do I contact A.R.C.?
    A.R.C.’s staff includes biologists, aquaculturalists, and experienced farmer/growers. We build most of our own custom equipment and are often experimenting with spawning and growing techniques to advance the field of aquaculture. Our expert staff is often consulted by industry professionals and would be happy to share their knowledge with you. For technical advice, please call 508-385-3933 x2.
P.O. Box 2028
99 Chapin Beach Road
Dennis, MA 02638
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